Tuesday, August 21, 2007

WaterMelon Orange Crush

I have never stopped complaining how much I miss Indian oranges. Some varieties of tangerines I have had in the US come close to the fruit I love the most, but tangerines are not always available and they are not the 'same'. I think that could be a reason why I have never embraced Tropicana as real orange juice. I like the taste but its not 'orange' juice for me :)

I normally buy a pack of Tropicana on my grocery store visit. We finish almost all of it and then it hits the weird point where it sits in the refrigerator waiting to be rescued. That last serving! This time when Parthiv tried to rescue the poor juice, I thought why not blend it with the last of this ultra-sweet seedless watermelon. So we put all that was left of the orange juice in the blender, threw in watermelon chunks, added ice cubes and blend blend blend.... Two of my very dear fruit flavors came together very well. I was ready to finish it when I remembered I own a blog now :) So Parthiv took some pictures and here it is! A nice way to spruce up the not-so-orange orange juice :)

We have tried watermelon with lime, ginger, mint etc. but this was a first for oranges. I am quite sure the flavor would have been a blast if I had used fresh orange (or tangerine :)) juice.

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