Friday, November 30, 2007

Eggless Date and Nut Cake

I always thought of dates as those yucky, sticky things young children were forced to eat in winter. I loved their dried version (known as chuara in Hindi) and my mom had to warn me against eating too many! I must've been weird! Somehow, packaged dates available in the US don't have that stickyness and I have learnt to love them :)

I would have loved to make a date relish I used to love. Its pretty simple - slice dates, add lime juice, rock salt and black pepper, shake shake, put the container out in the sun for a day. This relish is so yummy my mouth is watering as I write about it! I did not have rock salt on hand or this was definitely going to go to AFAM- Dates!

I am no baker - cook I can, bake I can't! Still I decided to make a date cake for AFAM (A Fruit A Month) - Dates from very talented Shilpa's Aayi's Recipes. Her recipe looked easy and quite doable. I had tried an eggless moist chocolate cake using her recipe, the cake had come out very good but I could smell baking soda in it, which kind of messed up the taste totally. This time instead of using the same baking soda I used 'khane ka soda/saajji na phool' that my mom-in-law brought me from India. I think they are one and the same but somehow the one I had used before was just not right!

You can check out the recipe here. I also added a handful of raisins and lots of chopped walnuts to the batter. I reduced the amount of sugar to 1/2 cup and still the cake was a tad sweeter than I would have liked. The dates I used were too sweet.

I am very impatient when it comes to cooking, when it comes to baking add anxiety to my impatience! I am almost in a 'praying' state as long as there is stuff inside the oven! More so when that 'stuff' is supposed to rise up to perfection and taste light, fluffy and moist!

I am glad to say in spite of my 'suck' level at baking the cake came out very good! It tasted great warm as well as cold. Next time I might add some cocoa powder to make a chocolate-date cake. Its a great tea-time cake and could work as a lovely dessert with ice-cream. Vanilla should be great with it (we had coconut-pineapple on hand :) ).

This Eggless Date and Nut cake is my entry to AFAM (A Fruit A Month) - Dates hosted by Chandrika of Akshayapatra.


  1. Date cake looks so delicoius and moist. Nice entry.

  2. Wow.. so many date cakes to choose from lately. Yours looks lovely and I like the idea of adding some nuts to it.

  3. Looks lovely!! As laavanya said quite a few blogger friends r into baking with dates, giving us more ideas! Nice blog my first halt!

  4. Very moist and yummy cake, Shweta! Dates and nuts are a lovely combo!

  5. Wow! that looks so rich and moist.

  6. that is a fantastic looking cake.

  7. Delicious! A stunning looking cake without egg, must have tasted great dear!!

  8. You're right - that doesn't look like 'suck level baking' at all - funny expression that! LOL!

  9. Your prayers have been answered...that cake looks delightful .

  10. That cake looks great...all set to be picked off from the screen!..

    thanks for dropping have a nice blog here!

  11. now that is something new. it seems healthy and yummy tooo..........
    thank for sharing . I have added u to my blog roll :) .
    Stay tuned...

  12. I posted this just before leaving for a vacation and have been a little busy since then. Well, no excuse for not replying to your comments, just wanted to let you know I meant to reply :)

    Rina, Thanks so much!
    Laav, I know there are so many out there. And many of them are eggless yayyy!

    Seema, Thanks for dropping by :) I'll come visit you soon!

    Musy, That indeed is a lovely combo!

    TBC, Bee, Thanks :)

    CIK, Thanks dear. It tasted pretty good!

    Arundati, Thanks so much and yea thanks for dropping by :)

    Sra, LOL couldn't think of a better term to describe my baking 'expertise' :p

    Sunita, Thanks :) Shilpa's recipe was great!

    Srivalli, Thanks :) Love your blog too!

    Pooja, Thanks a ton! I will add you to mine too. See ya!

  13. eggless cakes are always welcome in my kitchen, Thanx for sharing the recipe.

  14. Wonderful cake! Thanks for sharing.

    I am Anu, a novice blogger from My Scrawls. I have posted my version of Dates Walnut cake in my blog. Do visit my blog when u get time. Would be happy to receive your comments :)
